Securing Your Data: Understanding Symmetric Encryption in SQL Server

Discover how symmetric encryption in SQL Server secures data using a single key for both encryption and decryption and learn the steps for configuration.

Encryption is a crucial aspect of securing sensitive data stored in databases. The need for encryption arises when databases contain columns with sensitive user information such as credit card numbers and passwords, or sensitive system-related data.  

In SQL Server, encryption is achieved using keys, with two primary types being:

  1. Asymmetric Key: This system involves a pair of keys—a public key and a private key. The sender and receiver both possess the public key, allowing them to encrypt and decrypt messages. However, only the receiver possesses the private key required for decryption.
  1. Symmetric Key: In this system, both the sender and the receiver use the same key for both encryption and decryption.

Introduction to Symmetric Encryption in SQL Server

Symmetric encryption in SQL Server utilizes a single cryptographic key for both encryption and decryption processes. This shared key is used by both the sender, who encrypts the data, and the receiver, who decrypts and accesses the data.

However, the process of sharing the encryption key between parties requires careful planning and robust key management practices. Secure generation, distribution, storage, and rotation of encryption keys are essential to prevent unauthorized access to encrypted data.

Understanding Symmetric Encryption Algorithms

Symmetric encryption in SQL Server allows encryption keys to be encrypted using various methods, including certificates, passwords, symmetric keys, asymmetric keys, or a provider. Supported encryption algorithms include DES, TRIPLE_DES, RC2, RC4, RC4_128, DESX, AES_128, AES_192, and AES_256. However, starting from SQL Server 2016 (13.x), all algorithms except AES_128, AES_192, and AES_256 are deprecated.

When choosing between AES_128, AES_192, and AES_256, it is important to weigh both security and performance factors. In one hand the AES_256 offers the highest level of security, due to its longer key length. However, the increased key size may lead to slightly slower execution of queries, especially when handling larger data sets. On the other hand, the AES_128 offers higher performance but at the cost of reduced key length, which is less secure. And in between we have AES_192, which is a middle ground between those two. So, depending on how secure our data needs to be, size of our data and other requirements, we can decide which algorithm we should chose.

Configuring Symmetric Encryption in SQL Server

Symmetric encryption in SQL Server offers column-level security for sensitive data, providing a faster and more targeted approach compared to database-level encryption.

Database Level vs. Column (or Row) Level Encryption:

  • Database-level encryption secures all data within a database but can be resource-intensive due to the need to decrypt the entire database for read or write operations.
  • Column (or row) level encryption targets specific columns containing sensitive data, offering a faster and more efficient method.

Let's walk through the steps to configure symmetric encryption for a sample Customer table:

Creating the Database and Customer Table:

CREATE DATABASE encryption_example 
Id int primary key identity(1,1), 
FirstName varchar(250) NULL, 
LastName varchar(250) NULL, 
Email varchar(250) NULL, 
Phone varchar(250) NULL, 
CreditCard varbinary(max) NULL, 

Note: Data type for storing encrypted data is varbinary

Configuring Symmetric Encryption:

To configure symmetric encryption in SQL Server, several steps are involved:

1. Master Key:

-- Create a master key and encrypt it with a password 

BY PASSWORD = 'SymetricKeyBlogPass' 

The master key is a crucial component of the SQL Servicer encryption hierarchy. It serves as the root of trust for all encryption-related operations within a database. It is used to encrypt other keys, such as symmetric and asymmetric keys. Without the master key, these keys cannot be decrypted.

2. Certificate:

-- Create a certificate for encryption 

WITH SUBJECT = 'SymetricKeyBlog' 

A certificate is a digital credential to authenticate the identity of entities, such as users, servers, or application in SQL Server. It serves as a container for the symmetric key, ensuring its confidentiality and integrity.

3. Symmetric key

-- Create a symmetric key and encrypt it using the certificate 


Inserting and Querying Encrypted Data

-- Open the symmetric key for decryption 


-- Insert encrypted data into the Customer table 

INSERT INTO Customer(FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone, CreditCard) 
VALUES('ExmplFirstName', 'ExmplLastName', '', '123456789', ENCRYPTBYKEY(KEY_GUID('CustomerKey'),'1111222233334444')) 

-- Query encrypted data and decrypt it 

FROM Customer 

-- After the querying is finished, make sure to close the symmetric key 


Performance Considerations

While encryption enhances data security, it can impact database performance. Tests have shown that symmetric encryption, compared to asymmetric encryption, has a lesser performance impact. Therefore, it's advisable to prioritize the use of symmetric encryption, particularly when managing large datasets, to optimize performance. Additionally, symmetric encryption is simpler to implement and manage, making it a more practical choice in many scenarios.

Using encrypted columns in WHERE clause can significantly impact query performance, as comparisons on encrypted data may require full table scans or index scans. So it is best to avoid direct comparisons on encrypted columns in WHERE clauses whenever possible.  

Encrypted columns are not directly indexable, limiting the effectiveness of indexing and query optimization. Consider indexing non-encrypted columns frequently used in WHERE clauses or join conditions to improve query performance.

Compliance and Regulatory Considerations

Symmetric key encryption helps organizations comply with data protection regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA by ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive data. Additionally, implementing industry-standard encryption algorithms such as AES aids in meeting compliance requirements specified in frameworks like PCI DSS.

In summary, symmetric key encryption is pivotal for safeguarding sensitive data, meeting compliance standards, and ensuring robust data security in SQL Server environments.


Encryption is a fundamental to data security in databases, and symmetric key encryption plays a pivotal role in meeting these requirements and adhering to industry regulations. However, it's crucial to ensure the secure sharing of encryption keys and select appropriate key lengths to achieve stronger encryption.

By implementing robust encryption practices, organizations can safeguard sensitive data, maintain compliance with regulatory standards, and bolster overall data security in SQL Server environments.